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Better Business Bureau (BBB)
503.212.3022 | www.bbb.org Bureau of Labor & Industry (BOLI) 541.686.7623 | www.oregon.gov/BOLI Construction Contractors Board 503.378.4621 | www.oregon.gov/ccb Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 541.686-7838 | www.oregon.gov/deq DevNW 541.345.7106 | www.devnw.org Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 800.424.4372 (Seattle Regional Office) | www.epa.gov Eugene Airport 541.682.5430 | www.flyeug.com Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce 541.484.1314 | www.eugenechamber.com Eugene, Cascades & Coast -Travel Lane County 541.484.5307 | www.eugenecascadescoast.org Government Contract Assistance Program (GCAP) 541.736.1088 | www.gcap.org Internal Revenue Service 541.342.8745 (Eugene Office) 800.829.4933 (For Businesses) | www.irs.gov Lane Small Business Development Center 541.463.6200 | www.laneSBDC.com Lane Council of Governments 541.682.4283 | www.lcog.org Lane County Administration 541.682.4203 | www.lanecounty.org Lane Workforce Partnership 541.682.3800 | www.laneworkforce.org Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business (OMWESB) 503.986.0123 | www.oregon4biz.com/How-We-Can-Help/OMWESB |
www.onwardeugene.org Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME) 503.249.7744 | www.oame.org Oregon Dept. of Agriculture 503.986.4550 | www.oregon.gov/ODA Oregon Dept. of Justice 877.877.9392 | www.doj.state.or.us Oregon Dept. of Revenue 800.356.4222 | www.oregon.gov/DOR Oregon Occupational Health and Safety Division 800.922.2689 | www.OSHA.org Oregon Utilities Notification Center 800.332.2344 or 811 | www.callbeforeyoudig.org The Register-Guard Newspaper 541.485.1234 | www.registerguard.com Score Business Counseling www.score.org U.S. Small Business Administration 503.326.2682 (Portland District Office) | www.sba.gov United States Copyright Office 877.476.0778 | www.copyright.gov U.S. Dept. of Commerce International Trade Administration 503.326.3001 | www.trade.gov University of Oregon Knight Library 541.346.3053 | www.library.uoregon.edu Business Research Institute /University of Oregon Lundquist College of Business http://business.uoregon.edu/lillis-complex/bri U.S. Census Bureau 800.923.8282 | www.census.gov Workers’ Compensation - Oregon Division 800.452.0288 | www.cbs.state.or.us/external/wcd Worksource Oregon, Employment Department 541.686.7601 (Eugene Center) | www.worksourceoregon.org |